The Self Care Checklist to Rebalance and Revive
During and after the May 24 weekend we all need a healthy reset to get back to daily rituals that create glowing skin and vibrancy for the mind and body. We are spa-ing all weekend long!
1.) Treat yourself to free radical fighting face and body rituals. These products are filled to the brim with adaptogenic antioxidants like labrador tea, cloudberry, blueberry, partridgeberry, glacial clay, sweet gale and many other indigenous and globally sourced ingredients that brighten and nourish the skin.
Start with a clean body care routine then follow with face care. Our organic aloe based Boreal Moon Body Wash, Boreal Shampoo and conditioner cleanse, calm and hydrate the body. Start with Dry brushing it creates lymphatic flow. Apply a little conditioner to the ends of your hair, wrap in a towel or do a simple self massage on your scalp. Run the bath and drop in a detoxifying Aurora Magical Bath Bomb or sprinkle in wild rose infused Aurora Magical Bath Salts for a decadent spa escape. Do a spa inspired facial while in the bath. Cleanse with our new Avalonia Jelly Cleanser ( Vitamin C Exfoliating Body Wash). Mist with Aurora Mist then apply Aurora Exfoliating Scrub to face and body. Rinse and pat skin dry with a hand towel then Apply Avalonia Mystical Masque for 10 minutes. Next it is our Aurora Serum on face, neck and decollete... lightly massage in for 2 minutes. Finish with Rose Petal Eye Cream and Aurora Moisturizer or Sleeping Masque.
3 Daily ...Moisturize Again and Again and Again… you get the point. With winter comes dry dehydrated skin on the face and body. We recommend using our Aurora Magical Exfoliant to sweep away dry skin while intensely moisturizing with antioxidant rich oils. Follow with our rich Aurora Magical Moisturizer for dewy, plump, radiant skin. Our moisturizer has humectant loving organic aloe, rich nut butter - shea butter and wild rose, geranium and lavender botanical waters infused with botanical extract of wild blueberry to strengthen the skin’s barrier function. When the facial skin is optimally moisturized your skin looks younger and you will need less foundation. Hydrated skin looks younger and when applying tanning products or body foundation the end result looks 1000% better!
4 Workout more often. Break a sweat 3-5 times a week. Not only does a workout offer your body the benefit of improved metabolism, glowing skin but it also keeps your mind agile and happier. Try the free Fiton app or many of the online resources available if you are a DIY fitness enthusiast. There re so many workout trainers available in your community and online. @Goodlifefitness has a women’s only gym in Mt. Pearl that also has an infra red sauna that is amazing. As a woman in her fifties I like the all woman gym concept. If you are looking for a trainer we highly recommend @carlygambergfitness who works at @otfstjohns and Joel Prior who works at Goodlife in Mt. Pearl. Wherever you find your fitness family staying active is the main thing!
5 Invest in a large water bottle, infuse your water with fresh berries or botanicals for an extra antioxidant boost. I am in love with my Masontops bottle.
6 Take up a new hobby ( a little green thumb gardening) Checkout if you want to start your garden indoors.or go back to old hobbies that energize you and connect you to who you are and who you want to be.
Enjoy your May 24 weekend! Have lots of fun! Stay safe & be Kind to yourself.